
My experience occurred in the car park at the rear of the Chemist I had a wheelie trolley full of goods & was taking a couple of boxes from The bin marked cardboard ( I'm moving & they are useful.) When I started to gather myself together a car drew along side stopped, at which point the wheel decided to detach itself from my trolley in such it way that is was impossible to re fix it. The driver of the car watched as I struggled with my "experience" As the trolley was now totally unusable & popped it into the nearest general waste bin--having had plastic bags for my goods. The woman in the car now alighted & proceeded to tell me that I couldn't put anything in the bin. I asked why, as they were marked general waste. "They are for the businesses here" came the reply. I asked , Nicely, If she could in all honesty give me an alternative, She shrugged & repeated that I couldn't put rubbish in THAT bin. I was now beginning to get warm under the collar & asked her If she could suggest some way out for me. She walked away. I'm an easy going man, But don't have time for this kind of petty nonsense. Maybe the group need a little training in human services including both empathy & sympathy. I won't be using the chemist again.

DO NOT VISIT THIS STORE! We had a very bad experience there recently. They would not refund a product after customer service reps clearly stated refund was possible. Stated clearly the refund policy (quoted directly from their poster in store) and still no refund. Asked the pharmacist to contact manager to get authorised, could not authorise without getting conformation from manufacture if they could get a rebate if we refunded it. Asked the pharmacist to contact the manager myself (Managers name is Tina - and pharmacist name is Tim) but manager explained that it was her day off and I could not even discuss the posibility of a refund on the item until tomorrow when she was at work, even though we had been told in the morning (via phone call) that we could get a refund. I had made a special trip to get to the pharmacy and it's about a 100km round trip from my home. I had previously been to the store with a complaint about the product (which was an AVENT breast pump worth $199) and they said that I needed to contact the manufacture. I did. My partner and I did troubleshooting for about 30 minutes, before AVENT suggested that they send parts to test and see if the product could be made to work correctly. Unacceptable: Anyone who's trying to breast feed knows that if you don't stimulate your breasts regularly then your supply will diminish. This would take too much time. We went back to the shop and again, attempted to return the item, but were told that a refund could not be issued because the device was used. (How is someone supposed to determine if the device is working or not without using it!???) We left with a hire breast pump which works well, but cost us another $100 deposit, and $25/week for 2 weeks. We're now out of pocket $350 with no refund in sight, and 3 visits and 2 phone calls. We'll be contacting the ACCC regarding the lack of cooperation and laziness of the store manager. We will also be quoting the trade practices act 1974 which quotes that the item must be fit for purpose. The product did not produce milk from the breast, and was therefore not fit for the purpose it was purchased. ********Wikipedia********* Under the Trade Practices Act implied conditions and warranties were mandatory: they could not be excluded by a contractual intent to the contrary. The implied conditions were as to title (s69), quiet possession, freedom from encumbrances, fitness for purpose (s71(2), supply by description or sample (s70, s72 ) and that the goods were of merchantable quality (s66(2)). ************* I highly recommend NOT visiting this pharmacy if you want to get good value, or good service. They suck. Oh, and their website does not work, and therefore you cannot contact them via email.

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