West Springs Hospital
I feel so conflicted about this facility. Some of the staff members were perfectly genuine, well-meaning people, but others were downright insensitive and had about as much emotional depth as a turnip. The latter was true for many of the providers that I personally interacted with. We patients naively tell ourselves that we can have the utmost confidence in certified professionals. I think we just need to acknowledge that it certainly takes credentials to get careers like this, but you don't necessarily have to be a half-decent person to obtain those. I just felt like some providers got really angry with people over mere misunderstandings, and abused their authority in handling situations where they may have misinterpreted a patient's actions. Providers got away with a lot. The hospital provides all patients with a formal-looking document stating all of their "Patient Rights," yet the staff seems to have no qualms with allowing their providers to completely disregard these and do some degrading things to patients. That just doesn't seem rational to me. The term "right" is not remotely applicable. Some of the staff were picky and quick-tempered about some bizarre things. A man was handing dinner to a patient and I reached for a pad of butter he was setting down, mistakenly thinking he was handing it to me. He got irrationally stern with me and said I would be punished if I ever touched another patient's food again. Stuff like this just made for an uncomfortable atmosphere. I can't say I totally regret my stay. They were able to set me up with a diagnosis and a treatment that I was in desperate need of. This has certainly helped me get back on track, so I'll give them that. It was also beneficial for me to interact with other patients. Most of them were really sweet and supportive. There are good things about the hospital as a whole, I just thought there was an alarming lack of professionalism among the staff. A huge part of me wants to say all should avoid this facility, but the truth is that plenty of people don't have a lot of other options. Mental health resources are limited in most of Colorado. I'm pretty sure we're actually the lowest ranking state in terms of mental health care. There are much worse facilities out there, and it's definitely possible to absorb good things from a stay at West Springs if you go in with the right mindset. Just be extremely mindful of how you interact with staff members. Some of them are passionate and helpful; others are kind of sick and egotistical.