Bearden Chiropractic Center


I am on my feet all day 5-6 days a week and have had back and hip pain off and on for years. My visits to Dr. Grantham always help to alleviate the pain. He is thorough and always explains what he's doing. He is also able to tell me what other problems I am having just by examining my spine. Sometimes, I haven't even connected things like heartburn to my spine, but I'm better when I leave.

My main health concern is migraines with auras and back/neck/shoulder pain. I would experience stroke like symptoms multiple times a month ranging from not being able to make complete sentences when I talked, to numbness in my hands, tongue, throat, and lips. Then I would experience the debilitating pain. I tried different medications all to just cover up the problem. Finally in 2009 my husband decided he would carry me to Bearden Chiropractic Center. That was a life changing decision. I do not experience migraines as often as I was before being under Dr. Grantham's care. He truly cares for everyone's health. Ms. Sheena, Ms. Shelba, and Miss Taylor are all so caring, also! They are always smiling and there to help!

At the age of 17, I was having spells where I felt like I was going to pass out. I also suffered from severe heartburn and pain radiating from my neck down my back. After being told numerous times by my primary care physician that I was suffering from chronic sinus infections, my mother took me to Bearden Chiropractic Center. I was diagnosed with having 2 wedged discs in my back that were pinching nerves to my heart and stomach. This was most likely caused from a fall earlier in life (being I had several broken arms by this age). I began treatment and felt a major difference within just a few weeks of adjustments and therapy. I am now 30 years old and continue with monthly visits for Dr. Grantham to keep me in line. It's amazing to me how much of a difference chiropractic care can make vs. having to take medicine to just cover up the problem for a little while. The staff is wonderful and truly care about their patients. I don't know what I would do without Dr. Grantham and his staff.