Leona Harter Acupuncture and Wellness

I have had feet problems my whole life leaving me in a lot of pain. Someone suggested that I try acupuncture. So after looking on the internet, I found that Leona does this in Jesup. I have been going to her twice a week for about 4 weeks now and I can say that I do not have any pain in my feet whatsoever. Not only has she helped my feet, but one day while I was there for treatment, I mentioned that I had a slight headache. After treatment I was so relaxed and had no pain from the headache. I will continue acupuncture just to be pain free with my feet and feel healthy all over. Leona is one of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet and always makes you feel like she has all the time in the world to give just to you and your health.

About 10 years ago I started to develop what is now a multitude of autoimmune issues. Each came with its horrors of illnesses and pain. I had been receiving massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments. While these treatments provided some relief, I was still left with a lot of pain day in and day out. I was excited when Leona decided to pursue acupuncture and I was also willing to be a guinea pig just to see if I received any of the touted benefits. Much to my surprise, the needles actually provided some relief. As time went on and I continued receiving these treatments I found that these tiny little needles relieved so much more pain than massage therapy and adjustments alone. I now rarely have migraines, I sleep better, the all over achy feelings I had began to lessen and my energy was unbelievable. My right shoulder and side of my neck gave me a fit all the time. After beginning acupuncture, this area seemed to find new life and ached less and less with each treatment. I didn't have migraines anymore and if I did I would try to get in asap to get it resolved. A few strategically placed needles and my migraine was gone...not better but GONE! The benefits of acupuncture for me are: no more migraines, better digestion, reduced inflammation throughout my body and a better more relaxed attitude. I rarely have that neck and shoulder pain anymore at all. When I do, I call Leona because she can work her magic with her needles, oils, patches, etc and within minutes I'm back on track. For anyone experiencing widespread pain and chronic inflammation, I would definitely recommend acupuncture. If you suffer from migraines, you've got to try it. Migraines are gone in less than 10 minutes. It's incredible! People that are afraid of needles have nothing to fear. Rarely do I ever fear a needle stick anymore. This is one of those things where the old cliche' "don't knock it until you've tried it" applies. I love you Leona and your expertise has saved my life.