Pregnancy Care Center

Pregnancy Care Center is hoping to convince you to continue with your pregnancy, not give you neutral information to help you come to your own informed decision. The PCC is affiliated with a "non-profit ministry of Jesus Christ" concerned with "defend[ing] the unborn" which makes it obvious that they are an anti-choice organization. I'd avoid this place, and go to a Planned Parenthood instead. At least with PP I'd be confident that I'm getting neutral, truthful information about pregnancy and abortion.

I came across this organizations website while doing research for a project. Upon reviewing the information provided, the Pregnancy Care Center does not offer a full range of a full range of reproductive health options. They take an abstinence only stance on extra marital sex and no information on contraceptives which indicate to me that they do not offer any form of birth control options. It is also not an organization that offers abortions, they recommend meeting with a counsellor if you are considering an abortion as well as post abortion counseling. If abortion, therefore, is what you are looking for, I would find somewhere else. Pregnancy Care Center is not a medical facility, they state that openly, they are not qualified to give medical advice about your reproductive health!

I went on their website to find out about options for unplanned pregnancy, and they claim to offer unbiased counseling and support, but it doesn't seem like they do. They claim that "most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion and its risks" even though providers are required by law to inform you of all the risks, and a pre-20 week abortion is less risky than wisdom tooth surgery. They also refer to a fetus as a "pre-born" baby which is a very loaded pro-life term, so I think they are not as unbiased as they claimed. Don't go here!! They will only give you false information and push you into not getting an abortion. For information about options for an unplanned pregnancy, go to an actual medical center or help line like Planned Parenthood's.
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