advanced physical therapy center
Advanced Physical Therapy Center
physiotherapists and acupuncture
1570 Kingsway Court
Kim M - January 13, 2015

I called to make an OT appointment and I asked for day time. Cortney said the OT wouldn't be in until later, so I scheduled the first appt at 4:30pm. I asked then if the rest of my appointments could be day time, since that's what worked in my schedule. She said she'd find out and call me back. After another whole business day, no call back, so I called them. Lydia then said she'd have the therapist call me directly at 3pm to set up a schedule. Yet again, no call back. When I called again this morning no one has a clue and then Lydia admitted to the fact that they just started OT so they don't have the schedules yet. I cancelled the eval and will find a more reputable established location. Very disappointed.
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