
This is your typical Walgreens, a bit of everything and a pharmacy to. There are two huge problems at this location, they stay busy and do not have enough help on hand. A recent trip to the pharmacy was a nightmare. A dozen customers standing around waiting like zombies while a lone clerk took new prescription orders and waiting on paying customers. Meanwhile customers up front fared no better either... one register open, a very long line and the clerk paging management for an override while customers fumed. It wasn't pretty. You may want to shop elsewhere.

I started using this Walgreens shortly after they opened. There is Vic, the senior pharmacist who is a great guy. There are other pharmacists who are also very nice, HOWEVER, this is a city pharmacy, and they seem to always be short of help. It is VERY busy. They deal with "urban" problems, like people who are addicted to meds, selling their meds ( I saw a fight as a womwn came out of the drug store and the "buyer" wasn't happy with the amount of drugs the woman had previously agreed to giving her. A fight ensued. My 12 year old was going in while this started. I was parked right next to them. He got security and it was taken care of) Here is my problem. I am disabled and am on pain medication. What started to happen is that as these pharmacists got used to the "urban" life, they began to treat ME like I was one of those drug users. I am a 50 year old woman...a disabled RN and have been going there for years. They don't deliver. I am disabled. I recently moved a few miles away and switched to a pharmacy that delivers and it is NOT a Walgreens. I say farewell to you guys. Vic remains pleasant as ever...if you get a chance to talk to him!

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