
I used to love giving my buisness to this pharmacy but since the most recent full time pharmacist got hired the one that took over for the lady who went on maternaty leave I have had nothing but a huge headache with her. She wants to know when you wipe your butt pretty much. I fiind this very invasive . The store is very tiny as is the town and having to explain stuff when the store is full is embarasing and the kind of stuff that is asked is actually none of the pharacists buisness. I speak to the doctor not the pharmacist.Also they can never fill my prescription in full they are always oweing some medicine when I leave. this last time is just about the last straw for I had to cancell an emergency flight out from calgary to st. pauls hospital because gourley's did not have all my medicine in staulk. I only use those meds all the time they should know how to order by now. that costs me 200.00 for the airline does not give refunds. I am so upset. I really find that lady a pain in the rump for sure. wish she was not there to tell ya the truth.If I did to her what she does to me she would be just as upset probably more so that is the way she appears to be when working.Maybe she should be nice to the costumers instead of thinking she is worth more than our doctors.

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