
I had been overweight all my life and about 4 years ago I said, enough is enough and took serious steps to lose the weight. When I reached my goal weight I felt wonderful, but my skin had lost elasticity and was sagging. It was especially noticeable on my face. I looked into many different options to help me with my facial issues. I happed to come across an article on the web, which outlined the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture. I did further research and decided that this might be for me. I scoured the yellow pages to find someone in the Barrie Area who did Cosmetic Acupuncture and found Rhonda King. I went to my appointment unsure of what was to happen and what the results might be, but I found more benefits from the Acupuncture then just improvement to my skin. I must say that the difference in my face from just one treatment was amazing! While all the lines and wrinkles didn’t just magically disappear, they were noticeable reduced. I found that my skin had more “snap” and that my pores looked diminished. But I also found that my treatment had a benefit that I didn’t expect. I had been a worrier all my life, I use to joke that if you had a worry just let me know I would add it to my list, but after one treatment I found that the anxiety that I had suffered from childhood was lifted. The constant “whirl” in the head of all the things that needed to be done should be done and the stuff that there was no way was going to get done was “quiet”. I find that Rhonda is a more than a practitioner of Acupuncture; she is interested in your whole health. I feel I have found someone who wants to help me be the best “me” that I can be. I would highly recommend Rhonda King as a practitioner of Cosmetic Acupuncture.
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