Brunet Plus pharmacie affiliée
412 route 273, Saint-Apollinaire
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
PJC Jean Coutu
144 Rue Principale
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Centre de Laser Dentaire Carole Gignac
334 Québec 138
Familiprix Bérubé et Cloutier (pharmacie affiliée)
3100, Route Lagueux, Lévis
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Bélanger Georges
342 Boulevard Saint Joseph
Familiprix Hébert, Ferlatte et associés (pharmacie affiliée)
278 Québec 138
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Walmart Pharmacy
Route Transcanadienne
Physiothérapie Lucie Fortin
4385 Terrasse des Chênes
Physiotherapists and Acupuncture
Clinique Dentaire Paquin-Vallée
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Proxim pharmacie affiliée - Robert Rivest
578, Route 138 local 140, Neuville
08:30 AM - 08:30 PM
Clinique Dentaire Michel Lavallée
94 Rue Principale
Clinique Dentaire André Goulet Inc
1128 Rue Principale
Clinique Dentaire Sylvain Labrecque
428 Route du Bois de l'Ail
Béliveau Audrey & Béliveau Jean-Guy
429 273 Rte, Saint-Apollinaire
Clinique Dentaire Laurier-Station
131 Rue Cote
Familiprix Gauthier, Plante et associés (pharmacie affiliée)
1125 Rue Principale
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Brunet Plus pharmacie affiliée
334 Québec 138
08:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Clinique d'acupuncture Nicole Bergeron
3854 Chemin de Tilly
Physiotherapists and Acupuncture
Groupe Yvan Et Denis Duval Inc.
625 Route Lagueux
Clinique Dentaire Hugues Fontaine
578 Québec 138
01:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Saint-Apollinaire Quebec Canada Health Departments

There are plenty of Health Departments available in the state which is important for you and your family, but which ones can be trusted, and more important, where can they be found? With our clinic finder tool you’ll be able to search for any type of clinic within your city just by typing in the city name and then clicking a button – we then compile a list of all of the local clinics that are within a short distance of your location so you will be able to find them easily – this tool is perfect for those who aren’t familiar with the area.

Saint-Apollinaire Quebec Canada Health Departments are all over the city and many of them can be found just by looking on the map we provide above – we point out the best ones and more importantly we point out the ones that are closest to your current location. It doesn’t matter where you are in the country and what city you reside in as we have many contacts located all over that will be happy to provide you with the healthcare service you require. Our simple clinic finder will ensure you find the specific client you are after in a quick fashion.