Wrexham Maelor Hospital
I am unfortunate enough to have a chronic condition called Fibromyalgia, this is a condition of widespread pain 24/7 and chronic fatigue. Over the years I have had the privilage of being sent to pain management, exercise referral, medication etc., all on the nHS vis my GP and Wrexham Maelor Hospital. The only problem with this condition is that it can mask other conditions, illnesses etc. However, this week, I was not feeling too well, having hurt my left arm, my GP had prescribed meds for this, fine, but then I started to develop severe chest pains, all part of the fibromyalgia, so I thought. These pains became worse and continuous, so I called the out of hours for advice only, I had no intention of wasting valuable resources at A & E unnecessarily. The out of hours immediately sent a rapid response paramedic named Graham. Who gave me everything from ECG, etc., and wanted to send me straight to A & E as he said I was at risk. I said no, for the above reasons but did promise if I had another bout of the chest pains I would go it. A few hours later, I had a bout of the chest pains, resonating through to the jaw, so my husband took me to A & E armed with my paperwork from the visit of the Paramedic. Not only, did i NOT HAVE TO WAIT, I was immediately assessed, put on various monitors, bloods taken, drips put up, and put on observations. I was reassured the whole time, I saw a specialist heart nurse, a doctor, x-rayed for both the heart and shoulder. I was kept in, and treated 100% with respect, compassion added with a bit of humour too. I am now at home, but the tests and treatment will continue for a while. To finish my story, I came home to a message from the paramedic asking if I was ok, and then a follow up from the heart specialist nurse too. This was NHS at it's best and deserves better, in particular those who abuse the system by turning up with not a life threatening or serious condition, that is what A & E is for. Use the traffic light system - it works!! Take a bow A & E and Cardiac/'Radiology staff and that includes everyone in between! Food was not too bad either!
Thank you all Saturday the 8th of November I arrived on holiday in North Wales. On Sunday morning I was admitted to A & E in your fabulous hospital with pneumonia and sepsis after waiting only 5 minuets to see the triage nurse. The nursing staff and consultants were wonderfully caring and at all times I felt I was being treated with respect and dignity. Although they had many other patients they made me feel that my needs were their priority. I found myself thinking over and over again how lucky I am to have the NHS at such a time of crisis. The service was nothing less than outstandingly good. Eventually I was moved to MAU for regular medication when again I was treated with great kindness, care and respect. Discharged on Thursday the 13th. So from the Doctors, nurses and respiratory nurse and above all the superb health care assistants and cleaning staff; the coordination of these wards demonstrated excellent management, communications and continuity of care. I thank you Of course I will arrange another holiday in Wales soonest Tyrone Smith
excellent facilities, excellent staff, clean and comfortable
I visit the ENT dept on s regular basis. I find the staff extremely polite , helpful and efficient. My concerns are lack of parking spaces as I cannot walk very far and the fact that it is a100 mile round trip each time I attend.
i find wrexham maelor not helpful at all, my daughter aged 4 got taken to ane by ambulance with a head injury at 8pm, got sent to triage and then stuck in the waiting room for 4hours not even seen, i asked how long she would be before going in and they said 5 people infront of her, which lead me taking my daughter home to bed, and then to the doctors the next day, the maelor is an absolute disgrace where children are involved.....