River Valley Primary Care Services


Hello. Having moved back home from Texas I was faced with starting over from scratch when it came to health care, a bank, a IP, TV..... and as all of you know the list grow's much longer. I have only used the dental care provided by River Valley Primary Care Services. Man did they ever rock! I had a horrible tooth ache from the middle of the night on a Friday, all the way until Monday morning when the kind folks at RVPCS told me to come on in, they would attend to me asap. They did. The physical plant was modern, comfortable, and so clean it shined. I was only kept waiting around thirty minutes with NO appointment. That may never happen again, anywhere, but I sure was thankful it did that Monday. Dr. Emily Kimes,(please excuse spelling errors), is an angle. My jaw tooth was SO close to my sinius cavity that she spent just short of an hour pulling that tooth. Simply amazing! Anyone who has had a tooth extraction will agree that normally it is, shot, shot, shot, pull, rinse, and pay the person up front. All and all, 8-12 minutes in the chair. That's fine when one's tooth is not positioned to where serious damage could be done to one's sinius cavity, or the bone directly above. Thank you Dr. Emily, your kind assistant, and everyone who treated me like a vip at River Vally P.C.S. Jake
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