
So friends.... I would like to inform you of a business in Corning called Clark's Drug Store. My mom and her boyfriend bought me a ring for Christmas, purchased Christmas Eve, for my gift from my son. I got it Christmas put it on my finger. The next day the stone fell out. I returned it December 27th. At that time they asked if I wanted to exchange it but I saw nothing I liked more so we decided that they would send it to the manufacturer. January 8th they call saying my ring is bent and damaged that they can still send it in but I would most likely have to pay for the stone. I go look at it and I most definitely did NOT bring my ring in like that it would not even fit on my finger is was so bent! And I brought it in on my finger so I wouldn't lose it. They I am sure damaged it! For what reason I do not know. It looks like they tried fixing it themselves and put it in a vice and bent it. Is this the kind of business you want in your town??? I know I will never go there again and neither will any of my close friends. When I told them how much business they were going to lose just between the three of us the manager said "It is not going to effect us". Rudest response ever! No compassion at all for it and I am amazed by their reaction! Worst customer service experience ever!