Blessing Acupuncture
If you're researching Rikke, you're likely wanting to conceive a child. I know how extremely sensitive this situation is. Because of a medical condition, I was told by two different doctors that I wouldn't be able to have kids easily. My periods were few (3-5 times a year) and I likely didn’t ovulate. If I did conceive I would more than likely miscarry. So I absolutely understand that desire to become and be a mother. Also, I'm in the medical profession. Therefore I can give you a perspective based on these point of views. I decided to do acupuncture and herbal teas because if I wasn't meant to naturally have children I didn't want to subject myself to medications and/or procedures. I was willing to accept God's will. And I acknowledge eastern medicine as a legitimate form of treatment for certain ailments. Here are the facts regarding my case: I first saw her May 1, 2013 and was pregnant by the end of June. My son was born late Feb 2014. She listened to what my symptoms were, in relation to my monthly cycles, and instinctually knew what she needed to needle. This in combination with the herbal teas were extremely effective. Rikke was also quite knowledge of medical conditions, anatomy, and medical pathophysiology, clearly explaining to me what was going on within my body based on my symptoms and their timing. I was pretty impressed seeing that she also owned several of the medical tomes/books I had studied out of. Not only had Rikke played a part with helping me getting pregnant, she helped with some of the symptoms I experienced during the pregnancy: headaches, nausea, sciatica, and severe neuropathy of my leg. Not only that, she was a great resource during my pregnancy, offering advice and wisdom to ease my mind during the three trimesters. I was glad to visit her every week because it felt like a date with a girlfriend. She was there from beginning to end in of my pregnancy, so she knew everything that was going on. It was an investment going every week, but well worth the money. I have my son (whom doctors said would never exist) and a new lifelong friend.