Resnick Orthodontics

Dr. Resnick may be the worst orthodontist in the country – If negative stars were a rating that is what I would give him. At 40 year of age, he actually convinced me to pull four bicuspids when I had an overlap of approximately 1/8th of an inch. This opened approximately 3 inches of space that needed to be closed in my teeth. After assuring me he was trained in adult orthodontics, he said my treatment would entail only 24 months and my profile would be improved. Well long painful story cut short after four years in braces I still have gaps. I completed my treatment at a world renown orthodontic training center (UNC Chapel Hill) The original recommendation was to replace the missing bicuspids with implants or cap all of the surrounding teeth to insure a full smile and corrected bite. At the time I was against this, however in retrospect this would have solved the life time of dental and orthodontic issues I am, and will continue, to continue to suffer. As I am now painfully aware, as a mature woman, I want fullness, not collapse of my face. The closing of the excess space exacerbated the facial aging process, and diminished my profile. Dr. Resnick is a quack pure and simple and should have his license revoked.Run from this practice!!!!
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