Andrews Institute for Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

So surprised to see good reviews on here. He does not care about his patients whatsoever, and will not take the time to properly assess an injury, review your chart, or discover the initial issue. Instead, he will offer to give you a cortisone shot into whatever part of your body you point to. This does not fix the problem. They are shooting athletes up in order for us to keep playing until we break. Rating: In the negatives.

I went in 8-27-14 for a 940 consultation about shoulder pain I got there at 9:20 to fill out paperwork and tablet. Right into X-ray at 9:50.(Just received the bill today for $936 or about $100 per minute Waited another hour and a half to see the Dr. for what amounted to be a 5 minute conversation telling me I had arthritis take anti-inflammatory and try not to aggravate it. DUH! two hours for that and I didn't even see him walk across water... I'll go back to Vail, CO where it at least it appears they value your time as much as theirs...

back in 2009 i was hunting in upstate new york in november i was walking in the woods and came up on a creek i went to jump over and my right foot went in a hole under snow i fell back and to the side and my leg from the knee down went 90 to the side it looked like a L never have i felt pain like that in life all i could think is how i'm i going to get my self back to camp i could not move my foot was still stuck in the hole and then i herd my dad so i yeld as loud as i could him and my brother came and got me back to camp now we are 60+ min from any er so my dadtakes me to the er in cuba new york the doctors up there are not good they wanted to do surgery wright then i said let me call my doctor in florida first it was a good thing i did i spoke with dr. roth he said dont let them it is to soon the swelling has not stoped yet the doctor in new york was so made he thru my cell phone down on my chest i had to wate two weeks befor i could drive back to fl when i got back home i went to see dr.roth and dr.andrews they both said it was one of the worst knee inj. they have seen but it could be fixed the only thing i was scard about is that i would not have full use on my leg after 8hrs and 1 year later you would not know anything had been wrong DR.ROTH you are one hell of a doctor you will be the only doctor to ever cut on me.keep up the great work doc.

This was my second Achilles Tendon procedure at your clinic by Dr. Hackel. We had an unusual situation this time since my husband (my primary ride back to Troy, AL) had to go to the ER at Baptist Gulf Breeze at the same time my procedure was scheduled. Everyone at the Institute was wonderful. Not only taking care of me throughout the procedure on my Achilles, but with their concern for my husband’s condition and welfare as well. We were able to roll with the flow, finding another driver who could take me to a post op home in Shalimar until my husband could join me later since he was in the ER for quite some while after my procedure was finished. After visiting three more ERs in Alabama over the next three days my husband was final scheduled in to see a Urologist who finally diagnosed his condition correctly and now prayerfully he is on the mend. The care, concern and help of the entire staff was amazing, and I am so thankful for their flexibility and humor. Thank you all so much; you guys run an awesome operation,and I heartily recommend the Andrews Institute to anyone who needs orthopaedic care. Signed Sandee Lambert

Hands down, the best in the business! My ACL surgery with Dr. O'grady was textbook. The professionalism shines. They take anyone interested in getting better and moving on with their lives. Physical therapy in Navarre was all class as well. You're doing yourself a true dis-service going anywhere else.
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