Bay Medical Center Sacred Heart Health System


THE worst hospital of ALL time. I've had my guts cut out of my body 13 times and counting. I have never been in so much agony in all my life. Violently puking, screaming in agony, writhing in pain and nobody gave a damn. I was admitted BUT as soon as I could walk on my own power I a.m.a.'ed on their ass. The entire staff should be arrested and put in prison, for life, and the hospital should be condemned, and turned into a zoo. This "Pill Mill" paranoia they all suffer from is going to get many patients killed one day. There's not a "Dr." in the entire panhandle of Florida that's qualified to shine my shoes. And for these ghouls to hide behind their phony religious crosses make it all the more poignant. I can't write a worse review. MINUS 10 stars you S.O.B.'s. Just got home today after another 5 day trip to Bay Medical. I got pictures this time you worms. You bastards stuffed a hose up my nose and let the bloody contents spill right on to the bed for me to wallow in for 13 unattended hours. ANY positive reviews you maggots are fake or from family members. I will own you incompetent, negligent hospital one day,....sooner than you think too morons, your staff stole about 70 5 mg. oxycodone pills I had in my pocket when I arrived and then helped themselves to 87$ out of my wallet. This is no threat. It's a promise. I WILL see your ass in court and I will break your ass. Think it's over?? Oh no, It's not even begun yet. Lawyer up M.F.'s cause this time it's for real. You thought I was a GOMER. But ya fucked up. Charges are going to be filed soon. VERY soon. Idiots.

I came in for an abcess tooth and only because the pain had become unbearable and I wasn't able to make it into the dentist , The Nurse Practitioner treated me as a druggie and wouldn't give me anything for pain and said that they wouldn't persciribe anything for chronic pain, Granted I do have some issues with my teeth and I am having them resolved as much as I can when my money permits, but she could have given me something even non-narcotic for the pain, she also perscirbed me a antibiotic I couldn't afford , I explained that I wouldn't be able to and if there was anything that would work that was a free at certain places, she said she wouldn't budge, needles to say I had to go back again after the fact that the infection became so bad that it caused Temporary blindness in my left eye and extreme pain, I suggest that if you want to have your problems dealt with you choose another facility because this place needs alot of work

I had unexpected open heart surgery in June 2014. The nursing staff on the cardiac step down and the CVICU were excellent and very knowledgable. I appreciate everything they did for me. The nurses are caring and kind. I am a local ARNP. I was a RN for 14 yrs and have been an ARNP for 8 yrs. I know the role of the RN and CNA's. I could not have received better care. I hope the management recognizes the skill and empathy of the staff on these units.

Went to er with chest pains they found i had a very high heart rate high blood preasure took chest xray then i waited over two hours then finally walked out told them i wait at home for pace maker to go off before i would return a you would think a place that specializes in heart would not put extra stress on those there for help and i was not the only one waiting with chest pains they need to some update for sure

Honeslty this hospital is a big crock of shit. If your review was positive then your mental health might be at risk.
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