Chicago-Read Mental Health Center

If you have no insurance and unfortunately are sent here by the popo, you can be treated to what basically amounts to a russian prison. Some of the morbidly obese staff will hunch in the back, Jabba-the-hut like and ignore patients, while others, like previous reviewer said, sit around and argue about sports. They give grown men and women 1st grade coloring books and crossword puzzles to do. Nobody will actually talk to you about your problems, they will just drug you to the gills and hope DHS hauls you off to some homeless shelter or halfway house, or if they find your parents, etc. One of the activity guys was a gross, hairy, dirty hippie that was clearly banging one of the fat Hot Topic-type patient chick on the unit and abusing everybody else. The medical and support staff are so competent that they will determine you are lactose intolerant, prescribe you a generic version of "Lactaid" and then not give you milk for dinner. When they did, it was often expired and lumpy or even sour. The rest of the food wasn't fit to serve to prisoners at Guantanamo bay. At night maybe you can watch some sports with the sports arguing staff bozos while they vaguely act racist about anybody who isn't black and Christian. So if you're vaguely Hebrew and vaguely gay, they abuse you. How long does it take to become a "mental health technician"? Not long, I'd say. I'd rather be dead.

I stayed here a month, stared at my shoes 18 hours a day inbetween scant meals with spoiled, lumpy milk, finger painted, did crossword puzzles, heard all about Jeezus Christ, watched tyler perry movies while the "mental health technicians" sat on their butt and talked about sports and played with their sail foams all day... and now I am cured of mental illness. Thanks Read!

This facility for mental health is the definition of non-existent and incompetence.

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