Elgin Oral & Maxillofacial
STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's what happened today............. 1st off....I got there and was crying (just a few tears)..... I was taken back to get my panoramic done.....still tearing up and the nurse told me to calm down and that she was going to take care of me (in a non sweet, condescending way) X ray done....now to the room..... the deal was that Alan was going to be allowed into the procedure room, within sitting distance to the chair until the IV was in and I was good to go..... NOPE we got into the room and he was told to sit near the back where I couldn't see him or really hold his hand.....I went into a full panic attack.... the nurse (as I was hyperventilating and crying hysterically) was trying to force me to lay back in the chair, which only made me worse........ I sat back up, and she got in my face and said "just let me do my job" So i said, "let me calm down first" I was then told that they schedule for the slots and if I couldn't calm down I would have to reschedule..... THEN the dr came in and said that it wasn't going to work, that the IV wasn't going to calm me down enough and I would have to do my surgery in a hospital setting ALL I NEEDED TO DO WAS HAVE THEM LET ME CALM DOWN!!!! I wasn't allowed to take anything before hand so I went in there unmediated!!!!!!! I calmed myself down and kinda shut off.... So I pleaded that I didn't want to get myself to the point where I could come in again, so he agreed to try to start the IV and see if I could handle it. Well....he tried twice to put the IV in and then I was told that he couldn't find one and that I would have to go see someone else. WTF????? COMPLETELY uncaring and horrid experience!! I don't know if I can do this again!! As of this morning I was fine with the fact that I needed to do this today....scared.....yes.....but I knew that it was the right thing to do.,....Now I am not sure. I didn't like dentists before.....now I like them even less....................................