Doc-Your-Dose Pharmacy

I have been using this pharmacy for a long time now mainly because I know the family, but even outside of that. They simply care about you and are seriously concerned and know their jobs well. There have been times, I could not get to them to pick my precipitations up, an issue.....? I think not. They when out of their way to provide a customer service we no longer hear of any longer in most of today's interaction. Yes ! they delivered my medication to me on more then one occasion. Just God sent awesome people.

While driving home from vacation, I had an asthma attack, but couldn't find my inhaler in my purse. We searched Google Maps for the closest pharmacy, hoping to find an OTC bronchodialiator of some kind. The pharmacist did some quick thinking & asked if I had any refills left. He called my pharm at home to transfer my Rx, fill it, and transfer it back. He even gave me the inhaler so I could breathe while they were doing the transfer. I cannot express how much it means to me that he went above and beyond for a stranger, just passing through town.