Walmart Supercenter


I will be writing a letter to main Walmart and one to manager of this branch. For almost a year I have let this bother me but decided to vent. Prices of food keep going up (not full falult of Walmart, I know), less quality in the food and customer service is terrible. Amoung all of the cashiers that I have used in this store, almost all of the younger cashiers do not load your groceries for you, they either look at you to do it or tell you how many bags you have and watch you load your own basket. Is this the new Walmart policy?? Have your customer load their own basket while you the cashier simply wait and watch?? I'm sick of it and today was the last straw. A young woman checked me out, then said you have 5 bags, stood there looking at me, waiting for me to load them into the basket. If this is the "new" Walmart, I will shop at Price Chopper from now on, there isn't THAT much of a difference in the price and you get hard to find products as well as super customer service. Sam Walton is probably turning over in his grave!

Best clearance EVERRRRR!!! But kinda weird but secure cameras hah blended in with the white bars on ceiing

Great walmart


I had come to Walmart needing some items from the pharmacy department and was unable to do so because the pharmacy was closed off so that floors in that area could be cleaned and waxed. Though i had tried to get the employees attention to ask if there was another way around into the pharmacy, the redneck that was working in that area had instead, stood there and starred at me with a scowling look of contemptment, refusing to acknowledge me or say ANYTHING!! At this point, right when I had decided to leave and take my business elsewhere, that is when a CSM by the first name of Andrew had immediately acknowledged the situation, stopping me to politely ask if there was something that I had needed, willing to help and gladly so mind you. I had explained to Andrew what I was there for and not only did he point me in the right direction but he took the time to help walk me around that area, taking me in a different route to where I needed to be in the pharmacy department. After it was said and done, I shook Andrews hand, thanking him for his outstanding and superior level of customer service....KEEP IT UP ANDREW. YOU DESERVE A PROMOTION!!! At the very least, a significant raise in pay...Thank You!
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