Crown Chiropractic of King

I have been going to Crown Chiropractic for almost a year now. After dealing with all my issues seeking chiropractic care was my last hope. So my story begins when I went in for my first visit with Dr. Matthew Geminin for my consultation I was walking with a cane, back pain due to scoliosis surgery at the age of 19, bulging disc, hip issues due to a car wreck and getting arthritis in all areas. After consulting with Dr. Germini I told him that I wanted to be able to walk without a cane that I have went two years like this getting shots and trying to do what I was instructed to do by a orthopedic practice that was not working. So after about a month of visits I was able to walk without a cane. There was times when Dr. Germini would watch me walk and work with me on trying to get me to walk correctly. I do no walk perfect today but a real big difference than a year ago. This past year I have set goals for myself that I wanted to do and with Dr. Germini's help and me putting forth some effort with exercising I was able to meet my goals and have somewhat of a life again. Some of the goals I met was that I was able to do my churches annual Good Friday crosswalk which is about a mile walk and after not being able to serve at Christmas eve love feast for the past two years I was able to do that a couple of weeks ago. Also little things like not being able to cross your leg to put your socks on; I had to physically pick my leg up to brake while driving, not able to use steps. I can do all these now and I feel blessed that I can now. I always had a fear of chiropractors but after my first visit my fears overcome. One thing I have learned you have to trust you chiropractor completely and I trust Dr. Germini he is there with you through the good and bad times he will never leave your side during your healing process. I have even seen more changes so far this year and this is only the fourth day of January so I am looking forward at seeing all the changes and setting new goals and with the help from Dr. Germini and some hard work from me I know they all will be achieved. So do not hurt and be in pain let Dr. Germini help you in your healing process he will travel the journey with you! As Dr. Germini has always told me you can do whatever you want to do sometimes we just need a little push!

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