Walmart Supercenter


How could this place get a good review? I seriously challenge the intelligence and common sense of some who wrote the other reviews. I am a Walmart shopper. I have been for years despite the fact they have sweat shops in China and treat their employees like crap. However, the savings overall for one year by shopping here are significant. I have had issues at other Walmarts, but this is the first walmart where there are systemic issues left and right. First off, no one is trained to do their jobs. I have had issues in almost every department. when I got my oil changed, I wanted the package deal with transmission flush. He said, I think I can do that, I just watched a guy do it last week. HELLO! Second, signs in the grocery part are in wrong spot. I have purchased expired items 4 times (my fault for not checking) and have almost purchase expired food SEVERAL more times. The fruit and product has been rotten and I have witness others taking items back. No one cares and there is no management or supervision. Third-only a small fraction of the employees have good attitudes and even less know what professionalism is..talking about personal lives and telling stories of going out in front of customers!?? Last, the place just is just dirty. Walking into there you feel the difference from other Walmarts. They have NEVER had sanitizing wipes for the carts. they have the containers, but just don't bother filling them up. I have asked several times and it is always someone else's job meaning no one has a clue and no one takes responsibility. Almost forgot, don't bother calling. You will get no assistance whatsoever. the operator answers like you are bother her and shouldn't be calling and then you get passed from department to department. I had to get the reference number on a walmart money transfer. I was passed around then then told by a manager that it couldn't be done. I was like seriously!? Of course it can. I went in an got it after telling them what to do. I asked that they write this down so they remember and can tell others since their manager doesn't train them. So this leads me to the general manager. I will be writing him or her a letter since I have put up with too much as it is and no one seems to give a damn.

Savages both work and shop here.

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