
I went to Dr, Yager because he was the only doctor covered on my insurance but, he was born in December 1918, seriously, he is 90 YEARS OLD!! When you step into his office, it is like stepping back in time to the 1953. I was shown to a chair that I am sure has been there since 1957. He makes you swish out with a cup of water and spit. No spraying your mouth out and sucking out the water. Not that high tech. The real problem was when I allowed him to extract a tooth. He told me that the gum was infected and that I would need to have the tooth extracted and he needed to take x-rays to see how the root was to see IF he could pull it and he would call me when the x-rays came back, however, he did not give me any antibiotics to treat the infection. When I went back in for the extraction he said he would be able to do it with no problems. Once he got me all numbed up he started trying to extract and was trying for 30 minutes just to get it loose. He eventually got it out and when he did he told me that the roots had fused together and that if he had known that, he would have sent me to an oral surgeon. HE SAID THAT"S WHY HE WAS TAKING THE X-RAY!!!! He sent me home with no anitbiotic or pain medicine, he told me to take 3 ibuprofen. I had to call him the next day and tell him I wanted an antibiotic and pain pills. Two weeks later, after not receiving any return phone calls, I am STILL experiencing complications and I am going to ANOTHER dentist today. Do not go there, not at all.