Wild Rivers Pilates & Fitness

Working as a stage hand took its toll on my body over the years. On top of that several injuries had limited my mobility to the point that walking more than a few blocks was something I had to consider carefully. Facing permanent disability for the rest of my life was adversely effecting my morale and ability to earn a living. Fortunately my orthopedic doctor recommended I begin Pilates with Kristen. The improvement was astonishing and permanent. Now years later at 66 years young I am still working long and physically demanding hours at my trade, climbing, lifting and crawling all over theaters. I am looking at retiring to Gold Beach some day so that I can get a tune-up by Kristen from time to time. It is the most rewarding way to invest time and money I know. There is nothing to compare with feeling good!

Kristen Williams at Wild Rivers Pilates has been my Pilates and Gyrotonic instructor for over ten years in Santa Barbara and Tina, my wife, for the past several years. We have both had great results in flexibility, strength and endurance (especially in muscles that previously were ignored). I have managed health clubs for 15 years and Kristen’s teaching ability always exceeded expectations. She has the unique ability to custom tailor a personalized program whether working with a world-class athlete or an individual with severe physical limitations. Her engaging personality makes each work out fun. Also, her background knowledge of anatomy and dance is both comprehensive and very useful. As a professional teacher, Tina and I give her the highest recommendation. Rick & Tina Brown