Gentle Family Dentistry: Neal H. Locker, DMD

I should have gotten a second option before allowing Locker to do any work inside of my mouth! I was told I had 5 cavities on the right side of my mouth and 6 on the left side (which didn't seem right at all seeing as though I had only ever had ONE cavity my ENTIRE life), I allowed him to fill the 5 on the right side, even though there was no evidence of them on the xray. He assured me that the special enamel tool they had told him that the cavities were indeed there, we just couldnt see them on the xrays... Everything seemed normal after the procedure was done, I scheduled my next appointment to have the other side of my mouth done. It took almost 12 hours for the Novocain to wear off and after it did, to my shock, I could not open my jaw more than an inch or two without intense pain! I also found that chewing on the right side was extremely painful. I went back after a couple of days and Locker assured me (after looking at my teeth for about 30 seconds) that it would go away and that there was no need to take a jaw xray. He ground down some of my teeth and "adjusted" my bite, and again assured me that after a few days I would be okay but something just didn't seem right.... he didnt seem to listen to what I was saying AT ALL and then quickly exited the room. I never went back there again, I instead had a different dentist (my childhood dentist almost 4 hours away from my house) give me a second opinion on my teeth that had yet to be filled and he found absolutely no cavities, or any signs of cavities at all. He also fixed my teeth on the right side so that it no longer hurt when I chewed (locker had left a substantial amount of filling overhang on the teeth and they were rubbing together OUCH!) Unfortunately it seems I have fallen victim to yet another doctor who takes advantage of people with good insurance, and unfortunately now I will feel the effects of that for the rest of my life, as the fillings he did put in were so poorly done. I would NEVER recommend this dentist to anyone, ever!