Ottauquechee Physical Therapy
As an avid equestrian, it is vital that my body be in prime condition, particularly when training Dressage horses and preparing for show season. I had tried acupuncture, massage, polarity therapy and chiropractic work. These made me feel better for a short period of time, but the effect was not long-lasting. The therapies alleviated some of my soreness in the short-term but the relief soon faded and pain re-appeared with a vengeance. A friend recommended I visit OPT as a last resort, she stood by their reputation of being exceptional, so I figured I would give it a try. The professional and talented treatment that I received from Joshua Roylance, PT was beneficial beyond the scope of the actual treatment session. He took the time to listen to my symptoms, connect the dots and fix the underlying issue. He educated me in correct postural techniques and enlightened me on why I was experienced the issues of hip external rotation insufficiency, rounded shoulders and low back pain in and out of the saddle. Needless to say, I was VERY impressed with his knowledge and application of a multitude of techniques. My posture has improved immensely and my body has returned to a neutral state allowing motion to occur more freely. This has resulted in my being a softer rider, who moves freely with her horse, thus creating a happy team that is ready to compete. If you are looking for a talented, detail oriented and experienced, advanced-thinking therapist, I highly recommend contacting Ottauquechee Physical Therapy. I can't say enough wonderful things about my experience at the clinic. The staff is absolutely wonderful!