Kumo Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
My story begins with a common complaint of people my age. I had been having lower back pain for some time and conventional medical treatment had not reduced it. When the pain began radiating down my leg to the point that I had difficulty walking, I decided to try acupuncture for the first time in my life. I was not expecting a miracle, but that is almost what happened. My appointment was at 2:00 PM and I did not notice much difference in my pain level the rest of that day, nor even upon waking the next day. However, by mid-morning, I felt about 95% better than I had the day before. I can't guarentee this will be the case for everybody, but that's how it worked for me. Roberto is a well educated and caring individual and I felt at ease with him immediately. He takes the time to assess the individual situation of each patient and recommends appropriate treatment, which may or may not be acupuncture. He is well versed in other methods of treatment, too. I do not hesitate to recommend him. Oh, by the way, acupunctre DOES NOT hurt, just in case you're concerned about those needles. Roberto might even recommend massage or some other method instead of or in addition to acupuncture if he thinks that will work better for you. Connie Jeglum College Place, WA
Roberto's warm energy and gentle voice made me feel comfortable from the moment I walked into the waiting room at Kumo. I had contacted him about a specific muscular back pain that had been ailing me for 6 weeks, and he suggested Tui Na Massage for my problem. Since I had never had a Tui Na Massage before, he carefully explained what it entailed, and what I should expect. The massage itself not only worked out my upper back problem thoroughly, but also relaxed my entire body. Thanks to Roberto's skillful maneuvering, my back was able to relax enough to relieve the pain that had been bothering me for weeks. Roberto also gave me some very helpful pieces of advice to continue healing myself on my own, and help prevent further injuries from occurring. I was impressed not only with Roberto's ability to relax and loosen my very tight muscles, but also by his very in-depth knowledge of anatomy which served as the basis for his healing. He was excited to answer all of my curious questions about his backgrounds and methods, and he communicated complicated descriptions in a very easy to understand manner. His approach and demeanor show that he is truly passionate about Eastern Medicine and healing people.
I had my first acupuncture treatment today and want to praise Roberto for his relaxed and attentive demeanor. I felt comfortable speaking with him about my health issues and confident in his extensive knowledge and gentle approach to healing. I can confidently recommend Roberto Masferrer to be your new healing practitioner.
I have been struggling with severe headaches for the last 6 months and was desperate to try anything that would help them. I contacted Kumo Acupuncture because it was located close to where I work but after receiving treatment from Roberto I would travel anywhere he is at! Since I have never tried acupuncture I was naturally hesitant before my appointment. Roberto was excellent at putting my worries to ease. He explained the process in full and was very careful to go over my questions in detail. He truly wanted to find the root of the problem for my headaches rather than offering me a “band aid” to hide the symptoms. Roberto’s treatment was successful and he helped me set up a comprehensive plan to continue learning more about my headaches and how to combat them. I would recommend Kumo Acupuncture to anyone who is looking for an alternative method to solving any ailments.