Four County Counseling Center

The counselor seemed to be very nice, very personable, very helpful, very straight forward & honest & not misinforming - he seemed to be very considerate & seemed to be very knowledgeable & pleasing to talk to and get along with - - when I left he said an appointment would be made to stop at front desk - the one office staff was inconsiderate, not helpful at all & impersonal - she refused to make or setup the appointment - - Over the phone whe I first called she stated shw would be mailing out confirmation of appointmet time and a financial form out and I was told that it was to be filled in and presented upon arrival and she even refused to look at it take it or look at the proofs of income I had collected - instead she had another blank copy of it to me she required paper work from Work force 1 & refused to help get it as the Rochester office where she sent me was always closed & I also asked for a tenative appointmenet which she refused to setup - she even refused my request to inform a person that I was trying & that I had came & asked for her help instead I was told they reported negative fed back that worked against me - which was not proper - I was trying I asked for her help as I was told to do then they condoned me to the person who told me to ask for her help! - when I did finally get the information they/she requested she tried telling me it was not what she wanted but it was all that Work 1 would give me . - - She request 2 proofs of income 1) proof of wages & 2)unemployement benefits - I have not worked since before the mid 1990's If she does like whats given out she needsa letter stating just what is wanted from Work Force 1 & how it should be signed & stamped by them - or have a form made out of their own that Work Force 1 is to fill in & sign - I had the 2 proofs of income wanted for each household member & she but she then demanded a third source of income - which she had not asked for - She was upset because I took back my papers that I spent almost 2 weeks gettng I was not leaving them to be destoried or misplaced while I went back to get the 3rd piece of Identification of income/non-income she had not asked for in the beginning - she only asked for 2 - 1) proof of unemployement benefits & 2) wage summary/inquiry from Work force 1 but before I got home they had made People do not have the money to waste on running round trip into town & back each time she decides that she needs an additional proof - any and all information should be requested for at one time - not when she sees something such as a no unemployement or wages listed then decides that she wants another item of proof We ran over 100 miles in 2 days trying to get this information - at buisness mileage I figured that it cost over $58 and that is over half of the fee for a counseling session at the $80-90 I was told they supposingingly charged! This does not include the mileage for the first appointment - they seem to think in this time of DEPRESSION economy that people have money to throw away - Yes it is a DEPRESSION - not a recession They have jepordized my life at this point & I am not very happy over it but there is nothing I can do about it - but by the refering party I am told that I have to tolerate the misinformation I can not have any feelings - I can not be fustrated or angry over inconsiderate treatment - - Would any of them tolerate such treament NO but I have to .
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