monesmith & wood
Monesmith & Wood
611 Dubois Street
youngbuck3006 - September 09, 2014
I made an appointment for a wisdom tooth extraction, after being referred by my regular dentist. My dentist sent a copy of my x-rays and charts. The day of the appointment, I was told they need an better x-ray of the tooth. They took an x-ray on the panoramic (for one tooth?) and begin the extraction. I pay a co-pay $100. and left. Two months later, I got a bill for $80.00. They charged my insurance: $75 for a limited oral evaluation, $95 panoramic X-ray, and $225 for a surgical extraction. So this cost me $180. out of pocket. When I had the other wisdom tooth pulled, it was $80 out the door. I Will Not Be Back!
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