Cotswold Chiropractic Center PLLC

I've been going to Dr. Wiener for a year and a half now. I went to her because I had been dealing with excruciating back pain for a number of years, with no idea what was causing it. I had already spent a lot of money going to numerous doctor and chiropractor visits with no relief, and none of them had answers for what was causing the pain. A coworker had recommended her to me but I didn't follow up - simply because I had been burned too many times in the past and didn't want to waste any more money. Finally, the back pain was so intense, to the point where I couldn't even sit down without severe pain, that I gave Dr. Wiener a call. It was, no exaggeration, one of the best decisions I've ever made. Dr. Wiener discovered the main source of my back pain almost immediately - one of my legs was slightly shorter than the other. I'd even brought that up as a possibility to my former doctors, and not one of them said anything. She started correcting the issue then and there, and I started feeling some relief for the first time in years within a day. A year and a half later, I'm almost completely pain free. I still get sore from time to time, but Dr. Wiener is always there to help get me straightened back up. It's also easy to see her due to the short visits - appointments hardly ever run more than 15 minutes in length, so it's easy to drop in during your lunch break from work. If you're having unexplained chronic back pain (or any other pains), severe or not, I strongly recommend giving Dr. Wiener a call. As I've spent the past 6 years experiencing, even a tiny difference in leg lengths can equal a ton of pain if untreated. Dr. Wiener is an expert when it comes to helping those of us with short leg issues. I cannot recommend her services enough.

As a 31 year old suffering from back pain for more that 5 years... I have tried multiple things to achieve relief. From steroid injections to accupunction, nothing was bringing prolonged relief. I was on the verge of throwing in the towel and was considering surgery. I was referred to Dr. Weiner, for a last shot at relief. On our first meeting I explained how I had herniated 2 discs and figured that was the only cause to my pain. However, come to find out, that was just the tip of the iceberg. I actually at risk from day one... because it turns out one of my legs is actually shorter than the other, which she tells me is more common than you think, often overlooked and when caught early can actually be fixed and eliminate the damaging twisting and ratcheting of your hips, spine and neck. I have been seeing Dr. Weiner for about 6 weeks now and have really noticed a difference in my back and neck... though it is not completely better, I was not expecting total, immediate relief after walking around for 5 years with 2 herniated discs and 31 years with one leg shorter than the other, but I am very optimistic and excited. Dr. Weiner is very personable, explains everything very clearly, and is very flexible and willing to work with you in any way. I would highly recommend her and her services, and it probably wouldn't hurt to get your legs checked out for evenness, I wish I would have much sooner.

I first took my daughter, who was11 yo at the time, to Dr. W for chiropractic care a little over 9 years ago after she was diagnosed with scoliosis. Even though surgery could not be prevented due to the severity of the curve I truly believe that the care that Dr. W provided delayed the necessity of the surgery. She also alleviated the pain my daughter was having through her "magic hands". I began my sessions with Dr. W just a few short months after due to having lower back pain associated with a job that requires me to be on my feet for 12 hours. Before chiropractic care I would come home from one 12-hour shift and be very uncomfortable. After being in her care for a few short months I was able to work multiple 12 hour shifts for 3 to 4 weeks without any discomfort whatsoever. My husband began his sessions a few months after me and for a while our oldest daughter was under her care as well. The only reason she doesn't see Dr W anymore is because she lives in another city. I highly recommend Dr. W. She is very knowledgeable about what she does and is very professional!

I've been seeing Dr. Weiner for almost a year now. As a young woman who was unable to sit, walk, sleep or stand without having severe pain in my lower back, I am extremely excited that the first number I called for help was to Cotswold Chiropractic. I went from 3 times a week to once a month for adjustments and I feel so much better and highly recommend her. She's flexible, personable, knowledgeable and like someone else said, she also helps with diet, exercise, mental and physical relaxation.

Dr Wiener has been a blessing for me. After 3 years of severe back and leg pain a friend recommend her to me. my Primary MD had referred me for PTabd then to a neurosurgeon. PT did not help me at all and the neurosurgeon said he did not know how to help me if I did not want surgery. My first visit with Dr. Wiener gave me relief from the pain, Under her care I am much, much better. I will always be grateful to the frient that referred me to Dr. Wiener and to Dr. Wiener for her caring attention, D McCall 02022012