Palmetto Pregnancy Center


DIspite the bad review that has already been written I disagree, the people at PPC are the most compassionate women you've ever met. They will take the time to show you that they care about what you're going through, and give you some advice about what options you have if you are pregnant. Don't let the last review scare you away, visit the Pregnancy Center, you'll be glad you did :)

This clinic is horrible. While they do give FREE pregnancy tests, the website is a complete LIE. Its one of those clinics run by UNlisenced, UNprofessionals who are posing as a health care center. In actuality they are a bunch of old religious nutbags who are majorly ANTI-abortion. They make you feel bad about having pre-marital sex and give you a sermon rather than sound medical information. They even give pamphlets on sex, love, and religion. The website talks about how all religions are welcome and no matter what option you are considering be it ABORTION, or whatever... DONT go here. The questions are invasive and have nothing to do with the siutation at hand. Not only are they unprofessional, but despite the fact that they act like they know SO much, they are so completely ignorant and uniformed on whats going on in the world around them. PPC is a clinic run by a bunch of old church ladies who got together and thought it would be a good idea to make themselves feel better by casting judgment on others. Oh and lo and behold, in the midst of it all, they actually try to convert you to Christianity if you already arent. They ask if you go to church and if you think you are getting into heaven and all kinds of b.s.....HORRIBLE!!!!!!!
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